04.02.20Mark McGarry

Dear friends and family,
Business not as usual. How about life not as usual? I’m writing this from my kitchen table coordinating a drive-by birthday for my son, plotting our donation location of 50 sneakers to the frontline workers at Community Servings and wondering if my running gear is appropriate attire for a blitz of morning Zoom meetings.
We’re challenged by these times like all of you. We’re worried about our families, our community, our employees, the future well-being of our company and our warriors on the frontline. We are equally inspired by all of the good happening in the world right now and are all empowered with this choice. Choosing strength, positivity and action can be our antidote to worry, anxiety and feeling helpless. Every day we get to choose how we want to show up and be in the face of adversity and this is a transformative power that we can all tap into right now.
We founded YORK Athletics on family values. Together, we spent hours writing down and sharing the values that each of us inherited and learned from our friends and family. Those values hang in our studio and have helped guide us over the years. At the start of the home quarantine, we pulled two out, and it became clear how we could help our community during this time:
* ‘Do the right thing’
* ‘Do it with love’
Now is a time to fight for others in a way that we know best. We’re going to support the frontline workers, today’s heroes, who are most at risk and on their feet all day long helping to keep us safe. To start, our team just dropped off 50 pairs of our 'Gail’ sneaker for the frontline workers at Community Servings in Boston, who have been putting in long days delivering medically tailored, nutritious meals to the homes of critically ill individuals and their families in Massachusetts.
Today, YORK Athletics is shifting all business operations to support our #FIGHTFROMHOME initiative to help keep frontline workers on their feet. Please join us in this fight by donating a pair of The Gail sneaker along with a personal note to a frontline worker in your life. We’ve never faced a fight like this and while we can’t all be out on the frontline, we can support these fighters right from our home. As a thank you, YORK Athletics will hook you up with a free pair that will ship next month as we prioritize getting pairs to the frontline for the month of April.
To donate to the frontline worker in your life, CLICK HERE.
Thank you for being a part of this amazing community and helping to support our frontline workers.
Mark McGarry (and the entire YORK team)
Co-founder & CEO
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